Nidrew / Andrew  â€Ē  23  â€Ē  They / Them

By @LackadaisyCats

Hi! I am Nidrew, a hobbyist artist whose main hobbies include creating and developing OCs. My timezone is GMT-5, and I am usually online unless it's night time for me. I speak Spanish and English, and I am a Spanish translator for the game Creatures of Sonaria.Feel free to reach out to me if you have any concerns. If you are interested in offering/buying/trading for Owa'stryrus, please read this first.

💖 = Biology, animals (except bugs), drawing, rock/metal music (favorite band is Black Veil Brides), OCs creation, concerts.💔 = Bugs (moths/butterflies especially. Phobia), dark humor or rude jokes (unless friends), any sort of discrimination.

Social media:

Discord ID: .nidrew.

Please contact there if needed.

Available. Should reply quickly = ðŸŸĒ
AFK or distracted = 🌙
No replies unless urgent = ⛔
Offline (Sleeping/busy) = âšŦ

ðŸŠķ Owa'stryrus trades ðŸŠķ

Current stock: 0/20.

Interested in trading for or buying an Owa'stryrus from me? Please make sure to check the following information thoroughly before messaging me!First of all, I do NOT take reservations unless explicitly stated in the CoS server.What I look for them highly depends on what I'm interested in at the moment. It could range from Sang mutations, to Sang species or mush.Usually when accepting mush I take anything around 120-130k. In regards to the Sang Toare species, the trade highly depends on Sang's value at the time (It must have a total value of 100-110k).I do NOT accept Kerukus, Uruzks, bulk species that AREN'T Sang, or tokens of ANY kind unless I specifically state otherwise in trading ads.The same way, if I deleted one or multiple of my ads in the Discord server trading channel, that means I am no longer looking for that specific trade. Please make sure to double chek before DMing me an offer, as I may decline it because of this.

By @TwinAtlas

Overall, PLEASE be respectful and do not DM me persistently. I check every message request I get, but that does not mean I will have time to respond to every single one of them. Be mindful of what I am asking for every time I advertise. I will ignore you if you offer something I did not ask for, sorry.